About the company

As Owner-technicians Top Notch Mohs understands the amount of time and dedication it takes to run a successful business. We are devoted to providing you with services that go above and beyond the necessary duties of a Mohs technician allowing you to accomplish more and grow as a practice. With over ten years of combined experience in Mohs Micrographic Surgery as well as histology our knowledge and passion enables us to be creative and innovative constantly improving our craft and perfecting our skills. Providing you with unrivaled frozen section slides in quality and time is our job but developing a prosperous relationship that enables us both to grow is the goal we achieve together.

Who We Are

Top Notch Mohs is a local bay area company servicing medical offices throughout the North Bay, East Bay and South Bay. We are your on-site Mohs laboratory service that provides dermatologists with quality frozen section slides. Our dedication and commitment to your satisfaction is what makes us the premier choice for your growing practice. For more information on how we will benefit your practice give us a call toll free today (855) 866-MOHS.


http://www.aad.org/ – American Academy of Dermatology
http://www.mohssurgery.org – American Society for Mohs Surgery
http://www.nsh.org/ – National Society for Histotechnology
http://www.mohscollege.org/ – American College of Mohs Surgery
http://www.cancer.org/index – American Cancer Society
http://www.aocd.org/ – American Osteopathic College of Dermatology
http://www.dermatologyprofessors.org – Association of Professors of Dermatology

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